Monday, February 25, 2013

Pinot Grigio: Bolla 2010 ($10)

Weirdly refreshing.

We had a dinner party a few nights ago! "We" of course means my housemate D and I, because it was in our house; "had a dinner party" of course refers to my boyfriend C, who did 100% of all of the actual prep and cooking. Friends BH and CG were the guests of honor, and we decided that this was a wonderful occasion to try two new wines (which D bought, and for which I have not yet paid him back. Basically, I brought nothing to the table).

First we tried the Las Parcelas Cabernet Sauvignon 2011 (which you can read about here). Then, we moved on to the Bolla Pinot Grigio 2010, our white. BH tried it first. "It tastes like juice," he said.

That sounded promising! D then offered his opinion: "I kind of like it! I wouldn't want to drink a lot of it because it's too sweet," he added, "but..."

My own notes read: "weirdly refreshing" and "tastes like very light apples."

VERDICT: We kind of like it!

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